I am passionate
about inspiring
curiosity of self
in others.
I consider myself a spiritual mutt, a real Heinz 57. Not that I’m the condiment you put on top of your spirituality, but made up of many ingredients and practices from a variety of faiths and traditions. I am a teacher, a healer, and a coach. It’s an energy that has carried through me my entire life.
As I began studying mindfulness and self-empowerment more formally, I began to understand my mission in life, to be a radiant light of love and fabulosity*.
As a healer, someone who carries the energy of healing, I walk the talk, doing my daily self-care practices to facilitate an optimal healthy self; keeping my light radiant (in its highest vibration), taking in the world around me with equanimity, acceptance, and not adding unnecessary story (comments, judgments, critiques) to what is happening, and training my mind’s eye to observe with curiosity and wonder, to enjoy and be excited by life. As a human, I continue to uncover old wounds to heal, and encounter new ones as I navigate the world. The process of healing is never complete.
As a teacher, I am a life-long learner and believe everyone is my teacher, everyone has a gift (wisdom, knowledge, experience) to offer. When I started teaching mindfulness to children, I often reflected that in reality, they were teaching me and showing where I had space to practice a little more deeply. It was through teaching high school marching band & colorguard, that I began teaching the valuable tools of awareness, focus, attention, intention, perspective, and equanimity. Years later I was given the terminology of what I was teaching; mindfulness & self-empowerment.
In 2014, I began three years of teaching with Sheltered Yoga, a nonprofit that facilitates mental and behavioral health and wellness through yoga and mindfulness education in shelters, transitional housing facilities, and group homes. I navigated from that opportunity to be here with you today.
As your coach, my job is to inspire curiosity within yourself to explore and embody the wisdom already in your being while relying on the tools and practices that best suit your unique orientation in this world. We cannot change anyone but ourselves, so my mission is to shine my radiant light of unconditional love, for myself and others, through my unique, fabulous being and hope that my light illuminates a path for you toward your light.
Random Facts ::
I practice yoga and meditation daily**. I started in 2007. In true spiritual muttery, my practice has ebbed and flows, and taken many different forms over the years.
Insight (vipasanna/mindfulness) meditation remains the heart of my seated practice.
I play piano, French horn, & percussion. I taught high school marching band for over 15 years.
I’m an artist and creative soul. Check out some of my work here
I love cats (well, all animals), and share life with Prince and his purple rein.
Some folks call me a “Plant Daddy”. On average, I have over 100 plants in my house. In addition to always adding new ones, I like to propagate, make plant babies, and give them away.
I enjoy getting out into nature; camping, hiking, waterfalls, trees…yes, please.
I am fascinated with outer space; planets, stars, aliens/ufos.
I love to dance. See you out on the disco floor!
My Philosophy
We are all made of light or energy. This is our source as beings in this 3D world; fractals of one light. Radiance comes from having a well-established, healthy and free-flowing connection to this source energy. This is the practice of self-care, taking responsibility for my own power to create in this world, and to rewrite old limiting stories/ways of being, and mostly getting out of my own way.
All energy, light included, has a frequency, with love and fear being two main frequencies of the human experience. Love is expansive. Fear is constricting. We get to choose how we see the world, what filters we use and what frequency we turn into, just like dialing a radio or choosing a tv channel. I choose love. I choose appreciation and gratitude. I choose beauty. I choose compassion and loving kindness. I choose forgiveness. I choose being present, here and now, instead of lost in re-living could-of, should-of, would-of stories from the past or creating anxiety about the future.
*What is fabulosity? Well, that’s just my way of saying that we are all unique. Our lives are our art. They are our stories. You get to choose how you show-up in the world and how you experience the world. Why not choose fabulous (or awesome, or inspiring, or whatever makes you feel special, because you are)?
** Alright, almost daily.