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Mindfulness is nonjudgmental present-moment awareness. Choosing to PAUSE the racing mind (aka “the monkey mind”) and CHOOSE to FOCUS our OBSERVATIONS on our present moment experience, here and now, without judgment, comment or critique (the story we tell ourselves about what we’re experiencing).


As your coach, my job is to inspire curiosity within yourself to explore and embody the wisdom already in your being while relying on the tools and practices that best suit your unique orientation in this world. We cannot change anyone but ourselves, so my mission is to shine my radiant light of unconditional love, for myself and others, through my unique, fabulous being and hope that my light illuminates your path for you toward your light.


My goal is to give people tools to cultivate deeper levels of self-awareness and empowering folks to make positive, healthy changes in their life and allowing the abundance and beauty of life to flow in.


We are all made of light or energy. This is our source as beings in this 3D world; fractals of one light. Radiance comes from having a well-established, healthy and free-flowing connection to this source energy. This is the practice of self-care, taking responsibility for our own energy and power to create in this world, and to rewrite old limiting stories/ways of being. Learn to manage thoughts and emotions, move from anxiety to joy, and align yourself to the experiences you most want out of life.


Think of me as training wheels for your personal transformation to a powerful co-creator with life, manifesting an abundant life of regained peace, ease & equanimity, unconditional love, & joy.

I will provide you with tailored tools and techniques for your self-awareness, self-love, and self-empowerment tool box, encourage your practice and sharpening of those tools, and provide reflection of weekly growth and expansion. Everything we do is built off of that framework. We’ll spend time together on a regular basis going through insights & wisdom learned to find the path leading to the transformation we wish to create in our life.


My intentions for our time together is to guide you toward experiencing equanimity with the present moment, facilitate expanded awareness and foster your creation of a life with purpose, connection and fulfillment.




My background covers a broad spectrum of wisdom teachings and traditions, melding together tools and techniques from eastern & western mindfulness and meditation philosophies (Buddhist & MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)), Native American, Toltec & shamanic practices.  I study, research, and practice to find the common core elements of these different wisdom teachings and ways of maximizing our own power, our creativity, our joy, our ease, and our love.


​A core tool in my approach is meditation. There are all sorts of meditation ideologies and practices, and I’m a huge advocate of meditative practices, so we’ll find the mix that’s right for you.


Two of my core values are equanimity (ability to be present with what is arising, without being carried away by it) and loving-kindness (treating others with kindness and love (honoring another’s humanity, dignity, and expression). I also value being curious about life; everyone and everything has something to share with me and expand my awareness. And of course, play. It’s important to have fun along the way.


Julie S

Sherwood took the time to teach us the basics about how our brains process internal and external stimuli, and how they connect our thoughts and emotions to our body and to physical sensations. By walking us through guided meditations and providing mindfulness techniques we could practice on our own, Sherwood helped us begin to understand how to be fully present and sit with the moment at hand. Through slow and deliberate practice this work helped me find some peace; even though 2020 got crazier and crazier, the practice of mindfulness provided stability, consistency, and calm. I would recommend Sherwood to anyone who is ready to find some comfort in the present moment, and to anyone who wants to learn more about the mind-body connection.







Dan M

Sherwood has been a huge influence in my meditation/spiritual practice. I have learned many ways to connect and communicate with others in a non-violent way with Sherwood, in a group AND individual setting. Sherwood has many qualities that make me feel calm and centered. A large part of my transformation has been due to Sherwood's diligence, professional opinions, and extreme mindful thoughts. I was able to repair old relationships, strengthen some, and realize some are needed to let go.


I offer a complimentary 45 minute coaching session to:

  • allow you to experience my coaching 

  • see if we have the resonance that would make for great coaching

  • answer any questions you may have

  • give you the "value" of a coaching session at no cost to you

You can also join my weekly community sit (LINK) on Tuesdays at 7p to get a feel for me and the way that I work.


Change that is lasting and meaningful occurs when you make a commitment to your own growth over time, and when you get support from others along the way.

​Invest in yourself, expand your capacity for joy and fulfillment. If there is something you want in your life, some area you want to sort out, move forward or take care of, I can help you get there.

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