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Inhabit this moment.


What’s going on right here, right now in this moment? What can you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you feel with your skin? What are your thoughts in this moment? What are emotions in this present moment?


Pause and rest in awareness and experience the world around you. 



Go on, take a breath.


We breathe tens of thousands of times a day, but how often do we truly notice and bring our awareness to our breath? By observing our breath, we drop into our body. We allow ourselves to just experience a feeling, to observe a thoughts from a distance. The breath helps us detach with awareness and have space to respond. The breath recalibrates us,




Go ahead, smile. Picture that one thing that always makes you smile; babies, cats, animals, flowers, beautifully design automobile, the beach, the woods (nature in general). It’s difficult to hold an angry, mad thought and smile. And it’s a choice. You are choosing your perspective, your story. Are you the hero or the victim?


Is life ever-changing, growing and expanding, or is life being destroyed, falling apart and decay everywhere? The answer is both, but you decide which part to focus on; which side of the coin.




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Pause. Breathe. Smile. is currently on hiatus. Please stay tuned for our return.




Queer Queer Sangha is a budding community of spiritual friends gathering in Central Massachusetts, focused on gathering queer folx and sharing from our diversely queer backgrounds (rather than a traditional Buddhist sangha). The vision is to hold space for everyone’s light to shine, no matter the background, faith or tradition. Community members who desire to share their practices can guide the group for a week and bring us on your journey. All paths ultimately lead to the same place and everyone has a piece of wisdom to share that no one else knows. Your journey might inspire and inform someone else about how they get there.


We meet on the first Sunday of each month from 4-5p (ET) followed by potluck dinner and social time until 7p.

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