“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
We are energy. Electromagnetic to be specific. It’s the force that holds our atoms together. It’s the energy that comes from the sun. We are swimming in an ocean of energy. That energy has a frequency, a vibration. Just like a wave of sunlight can be fractaled into a rainbow of color, we are each our own particular band of light, frequency, or vibration.
I had the pleasure of sitting down with my friend (and massage therapist) Paul Struck, LMT, Reiki Master, & Crystal Dreaming Practitioner for an expansive conversation about energy and spirit.
The energy in our body travels and communicates through the nervous system. We can benefit from a practice of mindfulness (being present with what is happening, in this case, in the body, as it is happening without judgment) by learning to notice where we are closed off or restricted, allowing the body (and mind) to settle, relax, and return to a state of open flow, or alignment with “source.” (The energy that is moving through us. Some call it energy. Some call it source. Others call it God, or god, or the Allspark, Allah, Love, light, life. You call it what works best for you.) This alignment with source is mindfulness, to be in the present moment and accepting of what is here, without tension or aversion. Our culture has domesticated us to be out of alignment more often than in alignment, and it’s our practice to regain balance and alignment.
By recognizing when we’re out of balance, alignment, or mindless, we open ourselves to the contrast that leads us to practice alignment and balance. Finding alignment is finding connection to source, to our natural state of being. One surefire way this can easily be done, and one of my favorites, is by connecting to nature itself. Go sit in the woods, at the beach, in an open field. Take your shoes off. Be with the rawness of a world untouched by the human mind. Listen to birds sing. Watch squirrels run their daily route. Get mesmerized by the fluid movement of water in a stream.
We’re here to feel good. Tapping into the body to experience our emotions, our energy flow (or lack thereof) can be our guide. We can learn to cultivate or intend for a particular frequency or vibe in our life. As we begin to witness what anger and joy, annoyance and contentedness feel like in the body, we can develop tools to navigate and steer ourselves to a life filled with more joy, laughter, love, peace, and equanimity.
Explore this topic more deeply with the video (ABOVE). You're already on my website, so my contact is abound. Below is PauI's.